Tuesday, December 17, 2013

P@ge c@nnot be displ@yed

Tech Tip of the Day: The "@" character. This does not belong in your web browser.

My sister once told me of a former star college basketball player turned NAIA College coach whom called them for support, trying to access a web page. He kept asking how to get to a web page he was given, "something@something.com." My sister explained to him that this was an email address, not a web address, and he could send an email to that address, but there was no web page to go to. He at that point decided that he knew better, hopped on his god complex(Do you know who I am?!?!?), and rode it into the sun...

In the end, he still didn't reach any web page.

If you have an address with an @ symbol in it, it is most likely an email address. This can be used in the To:, CC, and BCC fields of an email that you are sending.

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