Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Performance Anxiety

Tech Tip of the Day: Something's just not right on your computer. Everything's bogged down, more so than usual. You call the Service Desk and ask for them to take a look at your computer to see what the problem may be. Please put some forethought into this before calling them.

They are most likely going to remote into your computer in order to assess the situation. This means they are going to be looking at what is on your screen. They can see everything you have open....are you following me yet?

There may be a legitimate issue with your computer, but unfortunately the service desk agent will not be able to take this seriously when they open up the session and see Facebook, Pandora, ESPN, Digg, Slashdot, Twitter, Tickld prominently displayed on your screen.

Please close any non-company related websites and programs PRIOR to reporting an issue with your computer, unless of course the issue is that you can't get them to close. Chances are you are violating your company's IT resource usage policy with half of those pages/applications. They are also quite lkely the source of your issue. The longer you keep pages like those open, the more resources they use, the more likely you are to have performance problems.

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