Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Two hours wasted

Tech Tip of the Day: Save! Save and save often. That document you've been working on the for the last two hours is not going to be able to be recovered by your IT professional any more than you were able, because you went that entire time without saving your progress. Programs crash, that is the nature of the beast.

If it's something you are going to be working on for an extended period of time, save every 10-20 minutes, otherwise when the program does crash, and you've lost all of your work...temper your expectations when calling support. If you were able to get back into the application that crashed and begin a new document...then there's not much more that can be done.

Some applications(like later versions of office) might have an auto-save feature, but this doesn't always work. The only real way to be sure your data is in-tact is to save it yourself, it only takes a few seconds. Redoing your document may take another two-plus hours.

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