Thursday, December 5, 2013

That's with three Ds

Tech Tip of the Day: When your IT Professional asks you for your user id, if it is not your name, then please do not give it as a word.

While you may have come to remember your username as a "word," we do not have the luxury of having typed that "word" over and over again. TARPO might be tar-po to you, but consider that we've never heard of such a thing as a Tarpo.

Other instances could be that it really does coincidentally make a word...that is misspelled. Revine is not a word, my spell check agrees with that magic little red line under it. That's Ravine... And Lisst doesn't have two S's, but please feel free to speak down to us for getting it wrong.

To those of you who try to give us the phonetic alphabet for hard to differentiate letters, THANK YOU! But please realize, W for Walter is not needed as much as that S, T, P, D, C that you skipped over the phonetic pronunciation.

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