Monday, December 30, 2013

Are you having a dance party?

Tech Tip of the Day: Say your IT guy answers the phone, what would you like him to hear?

A) The pertinent information to help address your issue(i.e. who you are, where you are, what your issue is)
B) Your ten closest coworkers and the 80's hair band you have playing over Pandora
C) The traffic from the interstate right outside your open window
D) The industrial wood chipper you somehow fit into your office

Speakerphones are wonderful tools...when used appropriately. A one-on-one conversation in an open area, is not the definition of appropriate. Very few speakerphones are high enough quality to truly cancel out background noise and keep voice quality at a decent level. Those that are, are very expensive, and are generally used in conference rooms.

Conference rooms ARE an appropriate venue for a speakerphone. As is the quiet confines of a decently insulated office, with the doors and windows closed. If you work in a cubicle, open area, or outside, no one can understand you. Please get off the speakerphone, pick up the receiver, and have a genuinely more pleasant telephone experience.

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