Wednesday, July 23, 2014

But it's MINE!! It's my precious....

Tech Tip of the Day: You sit down at your computer after a week of vacation. It's turned on...wait, no that's not made sure you turned it off before you left. Someone's sat in your chair...and used your computer....this can't be good!!! You boot it up, and see there's an email from your IT person...they*gasp* logged onto your computer and did something to it in preparation for a project coming up.

No...they had found in the logs that your computer was on a list of those that was infected with a virus and had to clean it up.

No...they needed to check their email and yours was the closest PC.

Whatever it was....This is unacceptable!

"I must speak with a manager." This is YOUR computer in YOUR office. Your name is on the deed to the building, and you personally purchased that workstation.....oh ....wait.

Though that desktop/laptop/tablet/phone might be assigned to is NOT yours. The company - or an agent of the company - has every right to connect to, use, change, audit use of, remove software from, copy data from company owned equipment, unless that is a violation of policy(Think protected healthcare information.)

You most likely signed a computer usage agreement when you were hired before they gave you that computer...time to go back and read that baby!!

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