Sunday, June 29, 2014

It's all over

Tech Tip of the Day: Computers can be noisy. Fans are spinning, hard drives clicking. That's because, just like cars, DVD players, Ice Cream Makers, and everything else that breaks at the worst moment possible... they have moving parts.(Seriously!?!?! While it's only HALF frozen....give me my mint chocolate chip!!!!)

True, not all hard drives have moving parts now, but most still do. Things with moving parts wear out. Friction and dust(which increases friction) are the enemies of your computer components. This is part of why your computer slows down with age. Yes, you can have someone take it back to a clean slate of your Operating System, but it will never quite run the way it did out of the box.

But because these components/parts do wear out, they can fail, and cause other parts to fail because of it! So back your important documents up! There are services out there that can usually restore data from a fried hard drive...but they are expensive. A simple backup to an external drive, or even better an automated online backup(I use CrashPlan and love it) can save you money in the long run, and can give you peace of mind.